Step-by-Step Guide: How to Submit Assignment Through Email Effectively

Submitting assignments through email is an essential skill for students in today’s digital age. Proper formatting is a key aspect that contributes to the professionalism of your submission. Attention to the recipient’s details ensures that your assignment reaches the correct person promptly. Furthermore, clear subject lines help in efficiently organizing and retrieving your emails later. Lastly, timely delivery reflects your commitment to deadlines, which can significantly impact your academic performance. To learn more about crafting effective emails, check out this sample email for deadline of submission.

How to Submit Your Assignment Through Email

Submitting assignments via email is pretty common these days, especially with all the remote work and online classes happening. But there’s a right way to do it to make sure your email doesn’t get lost or overlooked. Here, I’ll walk you through the best structure to follow when you’re sending an assignment over email.

1. Use a Clear Subject Line

The subject line of your email is the first thing your recipient will see. You want to ensure it’s straightforward and gives an idea of what’s inside. Here are some examples:

  • Assignment Submission: [Assignment Title]
  • Submission for [Class/Subject Name] – [Your Name]
  • [Your Name] – [Assignment Type] Due on [Date]

2. Start with a Friendly Greeting

After your subject line, begin your email with a friendly greeting. It sets a positive tone! Here are a few options:

  • Hi [Instructor’s Name],
  • Hello [Professor’s Name],
  • Dear [Teacher’s Name],

3. Introduce Yourself (if needed)

If you’re sending this email to someone who may not remember you or if it’s your first time reaching out, a quick introduction is wise. Include:

  • Your full name
  • Your student ID (if applicable)
  • The class or course name


My name is Jane Doe, and I’m in your Introduction to Psychology class (Course Code: PSY101).

4. State the Purpose of Your Email

Next, get to the point. Clearly state that you’re submitting an assignment and provide any necessary details. Here’s a simple structure:

  • The title of the assignment
  • The due date (if relevant)
  • Any specific instructions you’re following (if relevant)


This email is to submit my assignment titled “Understanding Human Behavior,” which is due on October 15, 2023.

5. Attach Your Assignment

Make sure you attach the file!! Before you hit send, double-check that you’ve attached the document. Here’s how to do it effectively:

File Type Recommended Format
Essay PDF or Word (.docx)
Presentation PDF or PowerPoint (.pptx)
Spreadsheet Excel (.xlsx)

Also, name your file clearly. A good format might be: [YourName_AssignmentTitle_Date]. For example: JaneDoe_HumanBehavior_10-15-2023.pdf.

6. Add a Short Closing

Wrap it up with a polite closing statement. This can be as simple as:

  • Thank you for your time.
  • I appreciate your feedback.
  • Looking forward to your thoughts!

7. Sign Off Properly

Finally, sign off the email in a friendly yet professional manner. You can use:

  • Best regards,
  • Sincerely,
  • Thanks,

And then add your full name beneath it.

8. Proofread Before You Hit Send

Before sending your email, take a moment to proofread it. Check for:

  • Spelling or grammar mistakes
  • Correct email addresses
  • Attachments

Taking these steps will help ensure your assignment is submitted properly and professionally! Happy emailing!

How to Submit an Assignment via Email: 7 Examples for Different Scenarios

Example 1: Submitting a Research Paper

When submitting a research paper, it’s important to provide all necessary details to facilitate the review process. Here’s how you can structure your email:

  • Subject: Submission of Research Paper: [Title]
  • Body:

    Dear [Recipient’s Name],

    Attached to this email, you will find my research paper titled “[Title].” I have formatted it according to your guidelines and included all necessary citations. Please let me know if you need any further information.

    Thank you for your time.

    Best regards,
    [Your Name]

Example 2: Submitting a Presentation

When sending a presentation, it’s crucial to highlight the file format and any additional details regarding the content. Here’s a sample email you might use:

  • Subject: Presentation Submission: [Title]
  • Body:

    Hi [Recipient’s Name],

    I hope this message finds you well. Attached is my presentation on “[Title],” prepared in PowerPoint format. I look forward to your feedback and hope it meets your expectations.

    Warm regards,
    [Your Name]

Example 3: Submitting an Assignment Late

If you find yourself needing to submit an assignment past the deadline, it’s essential to communicate this professionally while providing a valid reason.

  • Subject: Late Submission of [Assignment Name]
  • Body:

    Dear [Recipient’s Name],

    I apologize for the delay in submitting my [Assignment Name]. Due to [brief explanation of the reason], I couldn’t submit it on time. I have attached the completed assignment for your review.

    Thank you for your understanding, and I appreciate your support.

    [Your Name]

Example 4: Submitting a Group Project

When submitting a group project, it’s helpful to mention all group members involved in the project. Here’s an email template you can use:

  • Subject: Group Project Submission: [Project Title]
  • Body:

    Dear [Recipient’s Name],

    We are pleased to submit our group project titled “[Project Title].” The project was completed by [List Group Members’ Names]. Please find the attached document for your review.

    We look forward to your feedback.

    [Your Names]

Example 5: Submitting a Draft for Feedback

When you’re looking for feedback on a draft, clarity and openness are key. Here’s how you might phrase your email:

  • Subject: Draft Submission for Feedback: [Draft Title]
  • Body:

    Hi [Recipient’s Name],

    I hope you’re doing well. I am sending you my draft titled “[Draft Title]” for your feedback. Your insights would be invaluable as I work toward the final version. The document is attached.

    Thank you for your help!

    [Your Name]

Example 6: Submitting an Application Assignment

If you are applying for a new opportunity and need to submit an application assignment, a professional tone is essential. Use the following template:

  • Subject: Application Assignment Submission: [Your Name]
  • Body:

    Dear [Recipient’s Name],

    As part of my application for [Position Name], I am submitting the requested assignment titled “[Assignment Title].” Please find it attached for your consideration.

    Thank you for the opportunity. I look forward to discussing my application further.

    [Your Name]

Example 7: Submitting a Feedback Request Assignment

When submitting an assignment with a request for your instructor’s feedback, clarity and gratitude are very important. Here’s how to approach it:

  • Subject: Request for Feedback on [Assignment Title]
  • Body:

    Dear [Recipient’s Name],

    I hope you’re having a great day. I am submitting my assignment titled “[Assignment Title]” and would greatly appreciate your feedback. I have attached the file for your convenience.

    Thank you for your guidance and support!

    Warm regards,
    [Your Name]

What are the key steps for submitting an assignment via email?

To submit an assignment through email, you need to follow specific steps. First, prepare the assignment document according to the required format and guidelines. Next, open your email application or webmail service. In the “To” field, input the instructor’s or recipient’s email address accurately. In the “Subject” line, provide a clear and concise title indicating the purpose of the email, such as “Assignment Submission: [Your Assignment Title]”. Attach the completed assignment file to the email, ensuring the file name is professional and relevant. In the email body, include a polite greeting, followed by a brief message stating the purpose of the email and any necessary details regarding the assignment. Finally, proofread the email for clarity and professionalism and then click the “Send” button.

What should be included in an email when submitting an assignment?

When submitting an assignment via email, you should include several essential elements. Start with a polite salutation addressing the recipient, such as “Dear [Instructor’s Name]”. State the purpose of the email clearly in the introductory sentence, mentioning that you are submitting your assignment. Provide details about the assignment, including the title, date of submission, and any specific instructions that need to be addressed. Attach the assignment document to the email, preferably in a commonly used format, such as PDF or Word. End the email with a courteous closing statement, like “Thank you for your time,” followed by your full name and any relevant identification information, such as your student ID or class details.

How can I ensure my assignment submission email is professional?

To ensure your assignment submission email is professional, take several key steps. First, use a professional email address, ideally linked to your academic institution. In the subject line, write a clear and informative title that specifies the email’s content. Maintain formal language throughout the email, avoiding slang and overly casual phrasing. Be concise yet informative, and make sure to proofread for spelling and grammatical errors before sending. Additionally, use a polite greeting and closing, demonstrating respect for the recipient. Finally, double-check that the assignment file is correctly attached and is in the required format to avoid confusion or issues upon receipt.

And there you have it! Submitting your assignment through email doesn’t have to be a daunting task; with a little attention to detail, you’ll be a pro in no time. Remember to double-check everything before hitting that send button, and you’ll impress your instructors with your professionalism. Thanks for taking the time to read this! I hope you found it helpful. Feel free to pop back in whenever you need more tips or just want to chat about all things assignments. Catch you later!