Aki Sora (Japanese: あきそら) a Japanese manga series written illustrated Masahiro Itosugi. was published September 2007 Akita Shoten.It started serialization the ninth volume was concluded Volume 25 Akita Shoten's seinen manga magazine Champion Red Ichigo.An OVA adaptation Hoods Entertainment released the volume the manga .
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Aki Sora. Usage Public Domain Mark 1.0 Topics Aki Sora Language Japanese Item Size 332.8M . Aki Sora Addeddate 2023-07-21 08:08:16 Identifier aki-sora-sub Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.7.0 . comment. Reviews Reviews be added this item. 9,598 .
Aki Sora (Japanese: あきそら) a Japanese manga series written illustrated Masahiro Itosugi. was published September 2007 Akita Shoten.It started serialization the ninth volume was concluded Volume 25 Akita Shoten's seinen manga magazine Champion Red Ichigo.An OVA adaptation Hoods Entertainment released the volume the manga .
It's 12 episodes, I it's worth watching anime order, since Nao's route a close narrative link Sora's route. Aki-Sora nothing do Yosuga Sora, barring having incest a character named "Sora". first Aki-Sora OVA still worth watching though. Can't the about sequel.
Read Aki Sora Vol. 1 Ch. 1 "Aki Sora" MangaDex!
Aki Sora Aoi a pair close siblings have shared intimate bond childhood. their coming age, each to realize true depth the love feel each and consummate love secret. keep Sora's twin sister Nami the dark their relationship. Nami, clueless what happening her household, aims set brother .
The relationship the siblings Aki Sora continues grow, with family constantly around. Nami the hand strong feelings her friend Kana, though Kana likes Sora. turmoil Sora question he or continue incestuous relation his older sister Aki.
Aki lives charmed life. Popular, athletic, at top her class, rules school; at home, younger brother Sora caters her whim. However, younger sister Nami doesn't it easy. small-chested sarcastic girl in love her friend, happens be love Sora. Meanwhile, slight feminine Sora spends evenings .
Aki Sora revolves Aoi Aki Aoi Sora, pair close siblings have shared intimate bond childhood. their coming age, each to realise true depth the love feel each and consummate love secret. keep sister, Nami, Sora's twin the dark their relationship.
sumiya kana (aki sora) drawn by kuroda_kazuya | Danbooru