In vast world manga anime, countless stories explore human relationships, emotions, personal growth. them, "Boku to Misaki-sensei" stands as narrative dives the complexities human connection, self-discovery, societal norms. article an in-depth exploration the themes, characters, cultural impact "Boku to Misaki-sensei .
A protagonist has difficulty interacting women of bullying, his fulfilled returning his younger years.He takes revenge by.
Boku to Nurse Kenshuu Nisshi - 1. January 9, 2020 January 9, 2020. 0. 96.4K. 0. 0. Starting new life a resident doctor pursuit his dream becoming doctor, main character reunites his childhood friend day enters program. his senior, teaches the ropes he lives busy life a resident .
Read information the character Misaki Boku to Misaki-sensei? MyAnimeList, can find about voice actors, animeography, pictures much more! MyAnimeList the largest online anime manga database the world! Join online community, create anime manga list, read reviews, explore forums, follow news, so more!
Boku to Misaki-sensei (2017) ← to main. Series Cast 2. Fujisaki Sayaka. Misaki (voice) (1 Episode) Kei Aikawa. Yuu (voice) (1 Episode) Series Crew 9. Art. Gorou Murata. Art Designer (1 Episode) Akio Takami. Storyboard Artist (1 Episode) Camera. Masanori Kisoi. Director Photography (1 Episode) Directing. Akio Takami.
Sooo just finished anime it a decently sweet plot line to point reminded of Ano Natsu de Materru the accident when first meet than main female to sacrifice ability be earth save main guy put risk.
Can sensei the heroine? Please? Due a traumatic experience, have distrust people called "sensei". I, Saiki Makoto, called after school the popular beautiful teacher my school, Fujiki Maka-sensei. "I. love you" Eh- confession of blue!? "Until say love me, will continue pursue you." since then, I've called for "guidance .
Imaizumin-chi wa Douyara Gal; Reika Kurashiki; Reina Kurashiki; Episode 1 (Boku to Misaki-sensei)/Image Gallery; Tsubaki Miyajima/Image Gallery; Yukina Sasaki (Imaizumin-chi wa Douyara Gal Tamariba ni Natteru Rashii)
The anime can of this is: the hell you teacher? (Ecchi) suppose could for Onegai Teacher well, it's ecchi the that other is, a Student Teacher romance
As watches around lead happy adult life, Boku realizes has left behind, causing to he start life over again. Somehow, desire true, he ends traveling in time his preteen days. soon meets Sera Narumiya, past neighbor, frequently harassed throughout .
Boku to Misaki-sensei [1]