Nozoki Ana (Japanese: ノ・ゾ・キ・ア・ナ, lit: Peep Hole) a Japanese manga series written illustrated Honna Wakou two college students, Tatsuhiko Kido Emiru Ikuno, are neighbors the apartment complex are connected a small "peephole" their rooms. Nozoki Ana serialized Shogakukan's Moba Man mobile phone manga magazine/website .
Nozoki Ana. Usage Public Domain Mark 1.0 Topics Nozoki Ana Language Japanese Item Size 112.9M . Nozoki Ana Addeddate 2023-07-21 20:30:07 Identifier nozoki-ana Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.7.0 . comment. Reviews Reviews be added this item. 3,801 .
Tatsuhiro moved Tokyo attend art school start new life. his room, there's small hole the wall. first can nothing the small hole, one night, the peeping hole, saw girl. That's his life starts.
Looking information the manga Nozoki Ana? Find more MyAnimeList, world's active online anime manga community database. young boy named Yuuya decides peep his crush Mariko, to witness horrific sight after: girl a talking face her bare chest. Wanting ascertain he seen, Yuuya eavesdrops the night is caught .
Tatsuhiro moved Tokyo attend art school start new life. his room, there's small hole the wall. first can nothing the small hole, one night, the peeping hole, saw girl. That's his life starts.
Nozoki Ana an erotic drama two neighbors named Tatsuhiko Kido Emiru Ikuno. these strangers otherwise nothing do one another, relationship takes .
I've planning read for while I it recommended some r/manga.I started week finally finished just now. the start enjoyed because the "plot", then massive spoilers the story that a rollercoaster ride emotions me. to figure the enigma is Emiru seeing relationship Kido grow the .
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Read Nozoki Ana (Official Colored) Vol. 1 Ch. 1 "Ikuno Emiru" MangaDex!
male, harem lead Harem a genre/plot frame is present the media Anime, Manga, Light Novels, Visual Novels, Video Games. usually involves least or females for reason in presence one male a central plot element. male usually oblivious the fact the surrounding females romantically interested him., kind .
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